EVD Light Weight Deflectometer

Artikul: P-1059085 Buyurtma asosida
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Various types of soil and earth-rock mixed fillers with a 
particle size not larger than 1/4 of the load plate diameter
 Test scope
 10Mpa≤Evd≤225Mpa Test impact depth
 Work enviroment:Temperature: -10-40℃      Humidity:﹤
 90% HR
 Loading device
 Weight: 15kg drop weight 10kg
 Dropping height of drop hammer: 700±20mm
 Maximum impact force: 7.07kN
 Shock duration: 18±1mm   
Load plate
 Weight: 15kg
 Diameter: 300mm
 Handheld host
 Screen size: 3 inches
 Subsidence test range
 Volume: 100*205*40mm
 Storage capacity
 Weight: 0.8kg
 2000 sets of test data

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